Meet ashley jackson
My name is Ashley Jackson. I am originally from Kansas, raised in Texas and currently residing in LA for the last 10 years. I am an actress and a Kush Queen. My life’s purpose is currently being determined. I’d like to say it’s to help myself and others heal though.
What was your first experience with cannabis?
My first experience with cannabis was with my ex boyfriend. He smoked pretty frequently and taught me how to roll my first joint.
For what purpose do you smoke?
I smoke to help with my anxiety and to help sleep. It calms my mind and body down.
What is your favorite Kush Queen Product?
My favorite Kush Queen product is the Relieve Bath Bomb. I use it 3-4 times a week. It helps my body pain so much after a long day.
Are you open with your Cannabis use?
My friends and family definitely know I am a cannabis user now. I have been working in the cannabis industry for 4 years or so now. My parents were a little apprehensive at first but they are super supportive and actually enjoy using the Kush Queen CBD products now!
Do you have a favorite Cannabis ritual?
I love to use my amethyst and rose quartz pipe when I smoke before I do yoga or meditate. It helps me feel a little more grounded and gets me to the right frequency to connect.
Has Cannabis changed the way you live your life?
100%. The last few years I have had different health issues that cannabis has helped wonders with. From surgery pain to helping with nausea and digestion. It’s changed my life for the better.
If you could offer one piece of advice to someone who is on the fence about Cannabis, what would it be?
Start with CBD. It’s non psychoactive and still incredible for your health. Read reliable articles about cannabis. And don’t listen to someone else’s experience. It’s about your own relationship, not someone else’s.