Women’s Right to Abortions and Cannabis
You must be living a sad and futile existence if you feel the need to impose your opinions above another person's well-being. Think about how miserable and lackluster of a human being you must be if the idea of women having autonomy over their bodies upsets, better yet, threatens you.
In case you didn't know, shit's hit the fan for women's rights in the United States, more so than usual.
"With the Supreme Court appearing poised to strike down the landmark Roe v. Wade case that has guaranteed the right to abortion in the United States for decades, a cascade of restrictive abortion legislation has been proposed in Republican-led states," explains Sophie Kasakove of The New York Times. Basically, some really bored and confused individuals have come together to annoy the fuck out of American women and willingly risk our lives. *sigh*
Kush Queen founder, Olivia Alexander, protesting at the Women’s March.
This Feels Strangely Familiar
We've seen this type of blasphemy, disregard, and corruption happen before with another female friend, our girl Cannabis. And we all know how that situation played out. Decades of lies and manipulation from our money-hungry leaders, devastating injustices for Black and Latinx consumers, and years of medical research wasted or just straight-up denied. Pretty much chaos ensued while the politicians got to profit from mass incarcerations at private prisons for non-violent cannabis charges.
Kush Queen ally, Rachel Wolfson, joins Olivia in the fight for cannabis and women’s rights
Oh, honey, they don't care about You
Here's the thing, it's not about protecting unborn children or saving women's souls from damnation. The same way that cannabis prohibition was never really about keeping "drugs" away from kids. And even if these decisions were with our "best interest" in mind, the last time I checked this place (and this body) came with Free Will. Of course, this type of freedom does exist, but only for the privileged few.
Generations of female protesters in DTLA
As someone who grew up in a country where abortion is illegal, it's never truly eradicated or gone. It remains available for the chosen ones, meaning those who can afford it. But the procedure increases in danger for the patients and doctors involved when not given the right resources. So, if it were really about protecting lives, then abortion would be legal worldwide because that would actually be helping lives, aka the women living and breathing here and now.
Rachel Wolfson as a blunt who supports open borders :)
If our government gave an eff about us, we'd have universal healthcare, higher minimum wages, access to more affordable rehab facilities, etc. If they cared about the people, these services would also be offered to undocumented immigrants. You know, assuming it's all about saving lives, right?
Two ‘NSYNC fans casually supporting women’s rights with pop-star and queer icon, Lance Bass
Cannabis & Abortion
I was in my late twenties when I terminated a pregnancy with my then-boyfriend. I could give a laundry list of reasons why we weren't ready to have a baby, but that's nobody's business but our own. Remember, WOMEN OWE YOU NOTHING.
Everything about the process forced me to humble myself. It reminded me that life is unpredictable and, quite frankly, messy. That accidents will happen, both in and out of the bedroom. Ultimately, my abortion reminded me of my humanity, flawed but not evil nor wrong.
Our favorite female plant
I am eternally grateful to have had safe access to a clinic during this time. I'm also incredibly thankful for the caring medical professionals who held my hand along the way. It's a relief to hear that "massive donations to abortion rights groups have been made since the draft opinion striking down Roe leaked," as reported by NBC news.
And honey, I am not lying when I say I would not have gotten through such a physically and emotionally demanding experience without consuming cannabis. From high-dose edibles to Kush Queen’s cannabis-infused bath bombs, this plant medicine was my healing crutch throughout the entire process. Honestly, I don't know how women survive the actual pregnancy without cannabinoids... but that's a topic for another time.
Let our outrage at the recent news of this attempt to overturn Roe v. Wade act as our call to action for ourselves and the next generation of women. Because it's not just about the right to terminate a pregnancy, it's about the right to determine what is best for our own lives without the input or decisions of strange men.