Real People

Real Stories

Our Spring/Summer 2018 Look Book featured Real People with Real Stories 


Ray Dixon

 I’m from Sacramento, California, and I am a Behavior Specialist. My life’s purpose is to ensure that no child is left behind in the educational system. To ensure that the next generation of leaders are prepared to take on the challenges left behind for them.

Verita Richardson

I'm a health/fitness coach & event planner in Anaheim, California. I believe my life's purpose is to ignite confidence & curiosity in other's to live their best life.

Teon Tee Thompson

I’m originally from St. Paul, MN and I’m a Model/Actor/Artist. I was diagnosed with HIV in April of 2006 and a few years back I realized that my life’s purpose is to simply be open and available to those in need of a shoulder, an answer or anything in between.


Ashley Jackson

I am originally from Kansas, raised in Texas and currently residing in LA for the last 10 years. I am an actress and a KushQueen. My life’s purpose is currently being determined. I’d like to say it’s to help myself and others heal though.